August 26, 2021

Amer Fort at night in twilight. Jaipur, Rajastan
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Tired of Working from Home? Check out these Co-working Spaces in Jaipur

With work-from-home persisting as the norm for over a year now, the most common problem being faced by people is the blurring of lines between work and leisure. Working from the bed and no commute initially seemed like a boon but over the months factors like unstable internet, lack of a dedicated work space or desk, everyday distractions like incessant doorbells and online classes of kids have disrupted the work schedule of most professionals. In such a scenario, co-working spaces are becoming a popular option to work from especially for entrepreneurs, start ups, remote workers, independent professionals, freelancers and generally those who are looking for budget-friendly work spaces considering financial constraints after the pandemic.

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