On a resplendent Sunday afternoon, the denizens of Pink City were in for a treat of fascinating Bollywood anecdotes narrated with the right balance of deft and emotion from the well known cine actor, Divya Dutta. She was in Jaipur for the launch of her second book ‘The Stars in My Sky’. In the book, Dutta has recounted her experiences with some of the stalwarts of Bollywood who played a significant role in her film journey. The actor was in conversation with poet and literary expert, Jagdeep Singh. The event was organized by Vishaal Mathur of Mathuradas Mathur Charitable Trust and Rishee Miglani. Below are some excerpts from their conversation:
On Gulzar
Dutta met Gulzar for the first time in Indore at a launch event where she was in conversation with him. “We had a great time talking about poems, love and life. In fact, we got so engrossed in our conversation that the event organizers had to tell us to say a few lines about the newspaper we were there to launch. I found a father figure in him and the special thing about our relationship is that we never call each other. Our communication is always in the form of letters via e-mail or whatsapp.”
On Irrfan Khan
Sharing her thoughts about Irrfan Khan, Divya Dutta said that he was one of the finest actors in the industry and that she thoroughly enjoyed working with him. “When working together, we both never rehearsed for our roles. His eyes, his smile and the silences he deftly used in all his roles, were all magical. We were both big foodies and the great chemistry that we shared translated beautifully on screen.” She added that his demise has left a huge void in the film industry.
On Deadlines
When asked about her writing process, Divya said that she can’t write without deadlines. “I am a very last-minute person. After the passing away of my mother, my editor had given me six months to write a book on her. For the first five months, I only cried and didn’t write anything. It was only in the last month that I wrote ‘Me and Ma’ to celebrate the great persona that she was. It was a cathartic experience for me”, she said.
On her Mother
Dutta lost her father when she was just six years old. Everyone in her family was a doctor and she had made up her mind to make a career in acting. Her mother played a significant role in helping her become an actor. “I was 17 and the bug of films had bit me. I was from Ludhiana and had no godfather in Bollywood. My 13-year-old brother clicked some amateurish pictures of me and I sent it for a talent hunt. I told my mother when I got selected. She played a significant role in making me reach this stature in the film industry by having my back at every step and re-assuring me of her presence time and again. She was not just a great parent to me but also a best friend.”
On Diverse Roles
From Shabbo in Veer Zaara to Isri Kaur in Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, Dutta also talked about her journey in bollywood as well as the diverse roles she played. “Getting work hasn’t been difficult but breaking away from the moulds like that of the ideal sister or best friend has been challenging. After playing various roles I also realized that the characters one plays also have a subconscious of their own and they somewhere leave an imprint on your mind. But it has been a great experience to find my own in the diverse roles that I have played.”
On Jaipur
Talking about the Pink City, the actor revealed that the first-ever school trip she took was to Jaipur and even the first flight she ever boarded was to Jaipur. Later, she shot for various films here. “Jaipur is beauty personified!”, she exclaimed.
Tusharika Singh
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