Renowned bollywood actor, Karisma Kapoor was recently in the Pink City to interact with the ladies of the FICCI Ladies Organization, Jaipur Chapter. After a hiatus of over two years owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, this was the first physical event of FICCI FLO Jaipur under the leadership of its new Chairperson, Mudrika Dhoka. The event was themed on the topic ‘Road to Resilience’ wherein the actor was in conversation with Mudrika Dhoka. Below are some interesting excerpts from their conversation:
On her journey in bollywood
Taking the audience on a trip down the memory lane, Karisma said: “Becoming an actor was not an obvious choice for me initially. But as I grew up and realized who my grandparents and uncles are and who my father is, I wanted to contribute to the legacy of my family. My first film came out a week before my 17th birthday. My mother’s upbringing made me determined and focused right from the beginning and I sometimes even worked 4 shifts a day. Working in bollywood was a great experience for me and it not only made me a great performer but also a strong and resilient human being. In those days, people advised me against working in “art films” as quantity was given preference over quality but I still chose to do such films as I wanted to hone my skills as an actor.”
On being a star kid
Talking about being a star kid, Karisma said that while it may be easy for a star kid to get an opportunity or a break in the industry but once a film is screened, there is no escape from judgment. There is a lot of pressure that they have to face and many expectations that they have to live up to, including their own and that of their family.
On dropping out of school
On being asked about dropping out of school, the actor said that it a myth that I dropped out of school. “I completed my school education and took admission in the Sophia College. Even though I attended only for 6 months, my name is mentioned in the alumnus of college. Since I had decided I want to make a career in acting, I used to diligently attend dance classes as well along with school.”
On motherhood
“When I became a mother it was a conscious choice to not take too much work as I wanted to spend time with my children. Being a single mother, it was even more important for me to be there for my kids. In fact, I loved being away from the limelight and being involved in the routine chores of the house as I never had the opportunity to do that before. Even today my life revolves around my children”, said Karisma while shedding light on her experience of becoming a mother. Giving a word of advice to the young mothers, she said: “Young mothers need to go by their own instinct and not by what others have to say. The first priority of mothers should be their own happiness.
On Nostalgia of the 90s
Talking about the cinema of the 90s, the actor said that there was a lot of impromptu energy and passion in those times. There was no social media and one had to make efforts to reach to the people and create a fan base. Even though now with OTT, there is an opportunity for everyone but the big screen has its own place.
While talking about the CRED ad she recently did, which was reminiscent of an iconic detergent ad from the ’90s, Karisma said that it was great fun doing the ad. I had grown up watching that commercial on TV and now this similar ad is there on TV as well as digital media and it is finally getting the due credit it deserves.
– Your go-to person
My sister (Kareena Kapoor Khan)
– Your To-Do List on a Day Off
Sit in my pyjamas and watch TV
– Top 3 things on your bucket list
– Go on a holiday with my entire family
– Do something different
– Skydiving
– An advice you’d give to your younger self
Take out some time to enjoy and savour the special moments in your life
– Favourite Song
I am a huge Justin Bieber fan even though my children find my choice quite embarrassing.
– Secret behind your glowing skin
Doing Less is more.
– If a wish was granted to you, what would you choose
I would have loved to be directed by my grandfather
Tusharika Singh
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